Julia Finzel

Julia Finzel

In September 2001 Julia and two other artists represented the Association of Illustrators at the Design & Copyright World Congress exhibition in London.

Harper Collins published Julia Finzel's childrens book 'Large as Life' in 1991 in both the U.K. and U.S.A. Julia has also illustrated for Longman Cheshire and Ragged Bears.

A Printmakers Flora (a book of limited edition prints printed by Julia and 20 other Dartington printmakers) was exhibited at the Thackery Gallery, London and was bought by the Victoria & Albert museum. Julia learnt her etching techniques at 'La Bottega del Tintoretto' Venice with Roberto Mazzetto and later with Michael Honor and Sue Deakin at Dartington.

Julia Finzel has recently been awarded a Master of Arts in documentary photography at the University of Wales Newport. She also has  a degree in graphic design and illustration.  (Photographs are often used for her etchings and reworked with line and aquatint.)

Julia has illustrated for postcards, greeting cards, including cards for Almanac. She also teaches painting, illustration and photography.